As such they tend to act or function as verbal adjectives and are thus often called 'Verbals'. Verbal adjectives act like verbs - in that they form a verb phrase, possibly taking objects and other dependents and modifiers of verbs - however that verb phrase then plays the role of an attributive adjective in the larger sentence.
In Pali they can be divided into two groups:
- declinable &
- non- or indeclinable.
- the infinitive &
- the absolutive.

John left home to play football.
Although formed from verbs, they function like nouns and can be employed in various roles. For example:
To wait seemed foolish. (subject)
Everyone wanted to go. (direct object)
His ambition is to fly. (subject complement)
He lacked the strength to resist. (adjective)
We must study to learn. (adverb)
Everyone wanted to go. (direct object)
His ambition is to fly. (subject complement)
He lacked the strength to resist. (adjective)
We must study to learn. (adverb)
The infinitive in Pali is usually formed by adding the suffix -(i)tuṃ to the present stem or, in historical forms, to the verbal root. Other infinitive suffixes, inherited from Vedic are: –tave, -tuye, -tāye, -tase . However the suffix -tuṁ is by far the most common. They are indeclinable and thus take no personal endings.
puccha -ituṃ = pucchituṃ to ask
vihara -ituṃ = viharituṃ to dwell
√gam -tuṃ = gantuṃ to go
mara -tuye = marituye to die
vihara -ituṃ = viharituṃ to dwell
√gam -tuṃ = gantuṃ to go
mara -tuye = marituye to die
Like English, they are mainly used to express purpose - overlapping in meaning with the dative noun case (of purpose) and dative nouns in -āya may often be used with an infinitive sense.
pañhaṃ | pucchituṃ | āgacchanti |
acc | infin | pres, act |
m | ||
sgl | pl | |
3rd pers | ||
a question | to ask | they approach |
they approach (in order) to ask a question |
buddhānaṃ | sāsanaṃ | manasi | kātuṃ |
dat/gen | nom/acc | loc | infin |
m | n | m | |
pl | sgl | sgl | |
the buddhas’ | teaching | in mind | to do |
to do in mind (to give thought to) the teaching of the Buddhas |
Absolutives [Gerund]
The absolutive verb form is sometimes referred to by European Pali scholars as a gerund. This is a little confusing as traditional English grammar uses this term but in a different sense! (that of action nouns, so be warned). Also the absolutive/gerund shouldn’t be confused with a gerundive or for that matter the absolute clause constructions.Absolutives can be compared to the present participle. Where the present participle indicates an action that occurs at the same time as the main verb, the absolutive verb form indicates an action that came before or along side the main verb. Eg.
Having ridden his bike, Jack had a puncture.
In Pali they take the ending –tvā, -tvāna sometimes -āya or -ya (cca) and being indeclinable take no case, number or gender (which has lead some to describe absolutives as "indeclinable past participles"). The suffix -tvā is the most common and -ya is generally only used with verbs which are prefixed.
upasaṅkamitvā = having approached
karitvā = having done
gantvā = having gone
uṭṭhāya = having stood up
ādāya = having taken
vivicca (-ya) = having become separated
It is typical to translate the absolutive verb as:karitvā = having done
gantvā = having gone
uṭṭhāya = having stood up
ādāya = having taken
vivicca (-ya) = having become separated
having done x…" or "when he had x …" "after he had x …
yānā | paccorohitvā | pattiko’va | ārāmaṃ | pāvisi |
abl | absol | nom | acc | aor, act |
n | m | m | ||
sgl | sgl | sgl | sgl | |
3rd pers | ||||
from a carriage | having alighted | on foot | park | he entered |
having alight from a carriage, he entered the park on foot |
yathābhūtaṃ | viditvā | kāma’taṇhaṃ | pahāya |
adverb | absol | acc | absol |
f | |||
sgl | |||
as it is, (reality) | having known | thirst & want | having left |
having understood the reality, & having let go thirst & want |
kāma’pariḷāhaṃ | paṭivinodetvā | vigata’pipāso | ajjhattaṃ | vūpasanta’citto | viharāmi |
acc | absol | nom | adv | nom | pres, act |
f | m | m | |||
sgl | sgl | sgl | sgl | ||
1st pers | |||||
burning want | having driven out | being without thirst |
personally, inwardly, |
calmed heart | I abide |
having driven out burning want, and being without thirst, I inwardly abide heart subdued |
Having said the absolutive verb indicates an action that came before the main verb eg. "Having done this, he then did that."; this is the commonest use; but there are constructions in which the absolutive refers to some ongoing action that is simultaneous with the main verb.
For example,
she walks holding a parasol
in Pali would be
sā chattaṃ gahetvā gacchati
she, having held a parasol, walks
It can also be rendered by a past tense verb followed by the conjunction "and": Eg. gantva, "he went and...". The absolutive is extensively used in Pali, in this type of connective construction, and practically does away with the conjunctional equivalent to the English "and" connecting two phrases or clauses.
Agent nouns
An agent noun (not to be confused with an action noun) is a noun formed from a verb and refers to the ‘doer’ of the action. In English, such nouns are often formed by adding the suffix ‘-er’ or '-or'; e.g.
leader" "speaker" "deceiver" "teacher" "assessor
In Pali the suffix –(i)tar is added to the verb root, and -aka, -ika, -in, -vi(n) to verbs in compounds.
As example:
√kar -> kattar, kāraka, kārika, kārin => a doer
√bhās -> bhāsitar, bhāsaka, => a speaker
√dass -> dassāvin => one who sees
√bhās -> bhāsitar, bhāsaka, => a speaker
√dass -> dassāvin => one who sees
Agent-noun endings are sometimes combined with causative stems:
paññā + āpe + tar => Paññāpetar = one who causes wisdom.
These are then declined like nouns taking case, number & gender.
saggaṃ | gacchanti | dāyakā |
acc | pres,act | nom |
m | m | |
sgl | pl | pl |
3rd pers | ||
place of happiness | they go | givers |
givers go to heaven |
Since agent nouns representing an action, often take an object of that action. In Pali, this object is placed either in the accusative or in the genitive case.
abhijānāsi | no | tvaṃ | mahārāja | imaṃ | pañhaṃ | aññe | samaṇa+brāhmaṇe | pucchitā |
pres,act | indec | nom/acc | voc | acc | acc | acc | acc | nom |
m | m | m | m | m | ||||
sgl | sgl | sgl | sgl | sgl | pl | pl | sgl | |
2nd pers | ||||||||
(do) you not remember great king | this question | other recluses & brahmins | an asker | |||||
(do) you not remember, great king, (being) an asker of this question to other recluses & brahmins |
Abstract nouns
Abstract nouns describe a quality rather than a tangible object. They include emotions and states of being as well as ideas & concepts. In English they often end in –ness, -tion, -ity, -ment etc.In Pali they are formed from nouns or adjectival stems by adding the suffixes: -a, -ava, -ka, –tta, -ttana, -tā & -yā.
garu -> gārava => heaviness
manuñña -> manuññaka => loveliness
They then decline like nouns in –a/ā.
manuñña -> manuññaka => loveliness
Action-nouns are a type of abstract noun formed from a verbal root.
Action nouns
Action nouns are almost the reverse of agent nouns; denoting the general idea of an event without referring to an agent and are thus similar to the infinitive in sense ie.
Seeing is the function of the eyes.
They are verb form, often those in –ana, -a, -nā, -taṃ, -tā, which are used as verbal nouns in a sentence. Being nouns, they decline taking case etc. See Warder pg.138 and Perniola pg. 381 for more.
From here you may wish to look at Subordinate clauses in Pali. Or move on to an overview of the theory of tense systems in Pali.